Why you'd want to live in Greenwood
Greenwood’s climate is mild and seasonable, with an average temperature of 68 degrees. While the summer can bring heat and humidity, the spring and fall exhibit mild temperatures and many days filled with sunshine and beauty. Winters in Greenwood are comfortable, with very little precipitation or snow. For visitors, year round outdoor activities are common and popular at local Greenwood attractions. The City of Greenwood, the county seat, is located near the center of the county. Ware Shoals, in the northeast corner of the county, is 17 miles north of Greenwood and Ninety Six is 9 miles east of Greenwood. The area is accessible to three major interstates and only hours away from both the mountains and the coast. The Greenwood community has become well known throughout the state as “an example of what can be accomplished by unremitting energy and boundless self-reliance” and Greenwood’s “hospitable and progressive” people welcomes “all who may come to” their town. These characteristics are still present in today’s Greenwood residents. via www.visitgreenwoodsc.com